kidsREAD is about reading to your children. Develop their fullest potential by reading with them. Join me as we share and care for our children's futures!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
We are giving our children (and our volunteers!) a well-deserved break until 1 July 2006 when the program will resume at JSSC. In the meantime, we are still looking out for volunteers as our sister club at Punggol requires many volunteers (aged 15 and above, fluent in spoken English, available on Saturday mornings) given the long waiting list for children who wish to enrol in the program. Our centre at Jurong SSC also needs volunteers so that we can give achieve a better volunteer-child ratio to enhance the kidsREAD experience.
Leave a comment here and I will get back to you!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
2nd Anniversary Celebrations for kidsREAD organised on 23 April 2006

I was tasked with bringing the magnificent seven children from JSSC-kidsREAD all the way from the west to the spanking new National Library at Bras Basah for the 2nd Anniversary Celebrations for kidsREAD organised on
The feedback from the children was that it was boring except for the bits where a magician came on to entertain them as well as the balloon sculpture given out by the nice lady. However, many little hearts were a bit sad that despite them raising their hands umpteen times, they did not manage to be picked for the free balloon sculpture.
Ms. Lim Hwee Hua came to speak about the kidsREAD programme but other than the NLB and other invited guests sitting in front, not many of the children were interested in her speech. At least none of my seven charges were keen and I do not blame them. Trying to get my children interested in a nicely illustrated storybook is already a challenge what more a full-blown ministerial speech that even adults may find it tough to listen with unbridled enthusiasm.
The goodie bag distributed at the event was good though. They gave out finger puppets of sea creatures (crab, fish, seahorse), lexan type small water bottles, a story book, notepad and pencil and a kidsREAD handy bag to keep all the goodies together. :-)
It appears that this event has also generated more inquiries and parents' interest in signing up their children for kidsREAD at our centre. That is certainly good news but we also need more volunteers to help with the programme. As it is, I feel that my 1 volunteer split among my class of 5-7 children does not give them the sufficient attention.